[ENG] 1st post if you're new ⚡️

Hello :wave:

Welcome to the Smarto Community !

Here you’ll be able to discuss student life and student finances with other english speaking students in France :fr:. We’ll share tips on how to get a student loan and how to better manage your money.

Before that, here’s a quick introduction on me :
I’m Arthaud, the CEO of Smarto. I’m the one you’ll be talking to.

I started Smarto with @Gaspard en 2020 because traditional financial products didn’t answer our needs as students.

Before Smarto, I worked for different startups and I studied in France, Ireland and the US.

Now it’s your turn : click on « Répondre » to introduce yourself and meet other members.

1 « J'aime »


I am Aditya and I’m from India. I’m starting my M2 at ESSEC Business School soon.
Currently, I’m doing my internship at a social gaming startup called Powder, in Paris.
I believe Smarto is the next-gen finance infrastructure for students. Looking forward to being a part of this super product.
Great to meet you all.

1 « J'aime »

Welcome to the Smarto community :handshake: